Thank you all for a successful CE and annual meeting! All registered attendees have received 8 hours of continuing education for the 2024 year. All CE certificates and membership cards were emailed in November. To view the Zoom recording from the October 21st meeting, go to the members page. The password for the members section was emailed along with the CE certificates.
Please email any questions to
The New Mexico Board of Veterinary Medicine requires RVTs to obtain 8 hours of CE per year – please see the NMBVM Rules and Regulations for a full description of acceptable CE.
NATVA’s website lists various CE opportunities on its website,
Click here to download the basic CE requirements for Registered Veterinary Technicians here in New Mexico.
CE Calendars are also available on most industry organization websites. Please refer to our link page. If there is a conference that would be of interest to our members, please contact us for listing the information on our CE page. Thanks!
American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians and Assistants
Online Continuing Education Courses from Purdue Veterinary Medicine. Purdue Veterinary Medicine is an authorized provider of Continuing Education for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians.